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Featured interview in Shout Out LA
Presentation at the 2020 Cyprus International Film Festival
Fertile Myrtle (official trailer for short film), Executive Producer, Wrote and Directed
Featured interview in Provideo Coalition
2018 Girls on the Run Chicago (fundraising video) Executive Produced & Directed
VendScore (digital short), Executive Produced & Directed
-, Submission
Mutton Bustin (mini-series), Executive Produced
Grand Scheme (short film), Co-Produced
Roadworthy: Pride of the Pavement (sponsored by Shell), Executive Produced
Mounted: Chuck Testa and Friends (CarbonTV), Executive Produced
Women Who... (series), developed, launched, and Executive Produced
American Elements (Chad Mendes), Executive Produced
American Elements (Chris Soules), Executive Produced
Tough Jobs (sponsored by Yeti), Executive Produced